Ultimate USB to SATA Hard Drive Adapter, IDE 2.5-in, IDE 3.5-in adapter. This HI-Speed USB 2.0 to Serial ATA (SATA) Drive and IDE (PATA)
This Adapter converts any Serial ATA (SATA) device (e.g. Hard Disk) or IDE device into a USB 2.0 Hot-Swap and HOT-PLUG USB 2.0 Device on any USB Compatible computer.
Quickly Transfer files from computer Desktop or Laptop, back-up files, or store large file archives. Ultra Fast way to add another SATA or IDE device. The Hi-speed USB 2.0 interface provides an almost universal connection for any Windows or Macintosh workstation. The adapter supports all existing Serial ATA (SATA) drives or IDE (PATA) ATA-66/ATA-0/ATA- 3 drives.
Access any 2.5-in, 3.5-in, or 5.25 Serial ATA or 2.5-in or 3.5-in IDE drive through the Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port - Unlike IDE, a Serial ATA connector is the same design for 2.5/3.5 and 5.25" drive sizes
Compatible with any IDE or SATA drive of any brand or size
2A AC power supply ensures power for the most power-hungry devices
Plug-N-Play - easy hot swapping
Windows 7(32/64-bit) 8SE, ME, 2000, or XP and Windows VISTA!
NO Drivers Need for XP and 7/vista OS
Mac OS X.3.4 or higher -
Mac OS .4.x - No drivers necessary.